
IOM Tunisia Launches Second Summer School on Migration


Tunisia - IOM Tunisia and Tunisia’s National Institute for Labour and Social Studies (INTES) yesterday (29/8) launched the second Summer School on Migration: Migration and sustainable development in Tunisia: Observations, analysis and perspectives, under the auspices Tunisia’s Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Some 50 students from academia, the civil service and civil society will take part in the programme, which is taking place at the University of Carthage in Tunis and will run through 3 September.

The workshop, which will be facilitated by national and international experts, will focus on the relationship between migration and the 2015-2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 17 SDGs were adopted by the UN in September 2015 and aim to end poverty, to fight against inequality and injustice, and to address climate change. Unlike the previous 2000-2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), they include explicit references to migrants and migration.

The Summer School on Migration is part of an IOM project: "Education, training and knowledge sharing on migration in Tunisia" financed by the IOM Development Fund and implemented jointly by IOM, INTES, National Observatory for Migration (ONJ), Office of Tunisians Abroad (OTE), CETUMA and IRMC.

Key events organized by the Summer School will be also available in text and videos on the website at: or on its Facebook page:

For further information please contact Lorena Lando at IOM Tunisia, Tel. +216.28542954, Email: